[영어] 21.10.07 오늘의 미국주식 뉴스 - 미주은

(오늘의 미국주식뉴스) 미국증시 막판 대 역전극의 이유는? / 클라우드플레어 5일만에 18% 급등의 원동력 / 로쿠 & 퀄컴, 주식차트가 보여주는 상반된 미래 전망 / 퀄컴자율주행

오랜만에 카페에 왔다. 여행 다녀와서 그런가 습관들이 다 꺠졌다. 가장 가벼운 이거부터 천천히 습관화 하자.
미주은 을 보고 공부했다.

Senate GOP leader McConnell offers short-term debt ceiling extension following pressure from Biden

  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday offerd a short-term suspension of the U.S. debt ceiling to avert a national default.
  • “We will also allow Democrats to use normal procedures to pass an emergency debt limit extension
  • The stopgap offer from McConnell would take some pressure off both parties to reach a compromise by Oct. 18, when the government is expected to default

Cloudflare just disrupted 3 industries in 1 week

  • Cloud storage with no egress fees
    • If you use Amazon S3, your biggest headache expense is the outbound transfer. Last week, CloudFlare announced R2 storage where they totally eliminate the bandwidth fees and only charge $0.015 per GB of data stored per month
  • Free/cheap real-time communication tools
    • WebRTC is the technology behind many real-time apps(think apps like Zoom, FaceTime, live streams and so on). For WebRTC to work reliably, you need several components like STUN/TURN servers which can be expensive
    • Cloudflare’s WebRTC components will basically make this free.
  • Tools to more easily build Web application (Etherium and IPFS)
    • Web 3.0, where your software is decentralized and your users data truly belongs to them
    • Web 3.0 also unlocks the Metaverse, where we trade in crypto and have NFTs as intellectual rights.
    • The only problem: Running and setting up the infrastructure for Web 3.0 apps is painful. Accessing it via the browser is impossible
    • Cloudflare has announced their “Distributed Web Gateways” which should solve these problems

Roku stock rallies, bouncing off the important $300 level

Charlie Munger nearly doubled down on Alibaba as share prices dropped

용어 정리

  • Senate : 상원
  • GOP : Grand Old Party 미국 공화당
  • suspension : 연기, 보류, 유예 (suspend : 매달다, 걸다)
  • avert : 피하다
  • Democrats : 민주당
  • stopgap : 미봉책
  • compromise : 타협하다
  • disrupt : 파괴하다.(여기서 말하는 파괴는 파괴적혁신)
  • egress fee : 데이터를 빼낼때, 수수료

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