[Deployment] 4.3 Custom Machine Learning Pipeline

Custom Machine Learning Pipeline

4.3 Custom Machine Learning Pipeline

: procedural Progamming의 단점은 Hard-code parameters와 Save multple objects or data structures이다.
그러므로 Object Oriented Programming(OOP)를 써야된다.

  • Data -> attributes
  • Instructions or procedures -> methods

Custom ML Pipeline: OOP

: In OOP the “objects” can learn and store this parameters

  • Parameters get automatically refreshed every time model is re-trained
  • No need of manual hard-coding

    • Methods:
      • Fit : to learn parameters (파라미터를 학습해서 저장용도)
        • Saves the parameter in object attribute
      • Transform : to transform data with the learnt parameters(학습한 파라미터로 데이터를 변환 시킨다. Fit은 단지 학습 용도로만 쓰이고 버린다고 생각하면 편하다)
    • Attribute : Store the learn parameters

Custom ML Pipeline : Pipeline

: A pipeline is a set of data processing steps connected in series, where typically, the output of one element is the input of the next one.(아웃풋이 다음 인풋으로 가게 프로세스 짜는거)

Custome ML Pipeline : Overview

  • Advantages
    • Can be tested versioned, tracked and controlled
    • Can build future models on top
    • Good software developer practice
    • Built to satisfy business needs
  • Disadvantages
    • Required team of software developers to build and maintain
    • Overhead for DS to familiarise with code for debugging or adding on future models
    • Preprocessor not reuseable, need to re-write Preprocessor class each new ML model(통채로 묶어놓은 형태라 재사용이 불가하므로 class로 각각 흩트려놔야함)
    • Need to write new pipeline for each new ML model
    • Lacks versatility, ,ay constrain DS to what is available with the implemented pipeline

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